
Onsite Workplace Physiotherapy

We provide a registered Physiotherapist onsite at your workplace to manage aches, pains and injuries

Why provide onsite workplace Physiotherapy at your organization?

We provide onsite workplace Physiotherapy on the Gold Coast, Tweed Heads & Brisbane. Onsite Physiotherapy can significantly decrease your costs and boost worker engagement/productivity by providing:

Early intervention

  • Treatment and advice in the first 24 hours is essential in minimising the duration and severity of any musculoskeletal complaint.
  • Early interventions for these complaints and associated symptoms will result in a quicker recovery, maintain workers at work and reduce the probability of it progressing to a claim.
  • If communication is requested as part of this service WH&S staff will be notified within 3 hours of a worker who presents with a work related injury, or pain that is significantly aggravated by their work, in order to help comply with the duties imposed in the WHS Act.

Reduction in WorkCover claims

  • Early intervention of Musculoskeletal complaints reduces the rate of these complaints progressing to compensable claims.
  • This can help prevent non work related injuries progressing to work related.
  • This equates to a significant cost saving to the employer.

Enhanced worker health and wellbeing 

  • A healthy pain free worker is far more productive than someone in pain
  • Builds rapport, trust and understanding between the TEAM, boosting morale
  • Encourages workers to seek assistance with the Physiotherapist to resolve issues before they become a LTI (lost time injury)


Early intervention Physiotherapy with poultry meat workers resulted in an 18% reduction in claims rates and a reduction in cost per claim of 27% for those that progressed to Workers compensation. Additionally, there was a 37% reduction in the number of days off.

Donovan et al (2016) “The Effect of a Workplace-Based Early Intervention Program on Work-Related Musculoskeletal Compensation Outcomes at a Poultry Meat Processing Plant.” Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2016.

Workplace-based Physiotherapy and early reporting and intervention (within 24hours of injury) results in a 35% reduction in average cost of claims and a 58% reduction in number of days of compensation.

Iles et al (2012) “Multi-Faceted Case Management: Reducing Compensation Costs of Musculoskeletal Work Injuries in Australia.” Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2012. 22(4): p. 478-488.

Contact us about workplace physio today

Common problems we treat:

  • Back and neck pain, including whiplash

  • Shoulder problems, including impingement, dislocations, bursitis and rotator cuff tears

  • Hip and pelvis pain

  • All knee injuries including ligament, cartilage and post-surgery rehabilitation

  • Upper limb work-related problems, also know as repetitive strain injury (RSI)

  • Headaches & Migraines

  • Foot and ankle injuries

  • All sports injuries

  • Muscle strains and sprains

  • TMJ (jaw) locking and pain

  • Tendinitis/Tendinosis, eg. tennis elbow and achilles tendon pain

  • Nerve problems including sciatica

  • Postural issues and pain

  • Workcover claims

Watch this video to learn more about onsite Physiotherapy:

Physiotherapy treatments available to you

Thorough explanation of your diagnosis and your treatment plan

Joint mobilisation to reduce pain and stiffness

Nerve gliding techniques to treat nerve pain and irritation

Massage and release of tight muscles

Postural assessments and corrective exercises

Core stability programs

Individualised exercise & gym programs

Strong back & core, or strong shoulders classes

KLT functional strength training

Sports specific rehabilitation for your chosen sport

Workcover injuries ~ return to work clinic

Hypermobility clinic for hypermobile clients

Occupational Physio, including workplace job assessments and functional capacity evaluations

Office & home office workstation ergonomic assessments

Get in touch today!

Our central location

Suite C55B, Level 2
Circle on Cavill Shopping Centre
Surfers Paradise QLD 4217


Fax: 07 5641 7849


2-hour Free Parking available (collect a voucher from admin)

Appointment hours

Monday to Friday:

8:00am to 6:00pm

Online Appointments:
24 hours


Reception Hours:
9.00am - 5.00pm, Mon-Fri


Currently Closed

Evenings by Appointment

Home Visits by Appointment