This blog is to walk you through step by step what to expect with your Physiotherapy assessment & treatment here at CPH.
Warning – yes we are different to other clinics. And we are proud to be different.
The three areas are:
1. Traditional Physiotherapy (Physio school)
2. Whole-body movement assessments
3. Whole-body functional strength training
Why traditional Physiotherapy as step 1??
– This is what Physiotherapy school taught us. Hence why we use it
– It gives your injury a ‘label’, for example L5 joint sprain in your lower back; or Grade 2 ligament sprain in your ankle
– We understand that clients are often looking for a clear ‘structural’ diagnosis or label (what is the sore spot / where is the pain coming from?)
– What is the problem with only using this step? It is often a very narrow view look at your problem area, for example, if you have lower back pain physios are trained to look at your lower back
– However, this narrow view often DOES NOT help us know what to treat to fix you
– So then we go searching further (step 2)
Why whole-body movement assessments – step 2?
– This is what REALLY helps us find WHAT to treat to fix you
– We look top to bottom through the whole body
– We are looking for what is stiff or tight; and what is weak or unstable, anywhere in the body
– We are looking for what else is potentially CAUSING the excessive strain on your painful part
– The painful part is often working absolutely fine, but has extra strain on it from other areas not moving well. What?! Yes you heard right…
Here is an example – ‘Most lower back problems are really a hip and upper back issue not corrected yet’.
The hips don’t work well. The rest of the spine does not work well. The lower back hurts as a result.
– This can be the same story for your ankle pain, knee pain or shoulder pain
So then why whole-body functional strength training – step 3?
– Very simply – this is what MAINTAINS the improvements long term
– What we found in your whole body assessment gets put into your program to do at home or the gym – NO GUESSING
– An example – if we found stiff hips then hip mobility drills go in your program. If we found a weak left shoulder then left shoulder strengthening exercises go in your program
– Also… many people do things at the gym that contribute to the problems we found in the whole body assessment
– If we don’t adjust the program the problems will simply come back again and again
– Lastly, many people aren’t strengthening enough movements in the gym so are missing key areas to stay moving well
So 3 parts, all important. Strung together = our unique Physiotherapy model.
Click below to hear Wade our Principal Physio talk you through all 3 steps:
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